Thursday, November 1, 2007

Flash website

I knew about Internet 5 years ago, and i found this flash website 2 years ago, and this is the first flash website that i know, but i didn't know about flash at that time. When i studied DIM 1, i have studied about Flash, so now i know that this is a flash website :)

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I love Eminem's music, and this website is about Eminem's life. The design is very simple, but i think simple is the best, and rap music is from people who live in underground, who don't have well-educated or rich life, so the design is suitable

I think this design express a confident person. You can notice it when you look at the way they draw the face of Eminem. In addition, it expresses the real life. At the first time, the background is simple, and something look badly, for example, the house, the car, but that is real life of him. He lived in Detroit city in 1993, and at that time, this city was a poor city, people killed each other, unemployment was in everywhere. After that, Eminem got signed, and his life changed, so the design is changed.

I think maybe a lot of people in Vietnam don't like rap music, and they think that rap is a dirty music, so this website cannot attract them. It depends on your thinking. In my opinon, i love rap, so i love this website and the design of it.

If you want, you can check this address :