Thursday, November 1, 2007

Distortion is an art...

This is my first attempt on Photoshop. I used qualify to distort the word “distortion”. Then I use special background by texture effect. The special thing about that image is the word “distortion” is embossed from the craquelure background. However, I feel that the way I use colour in that image do not effect. Anyway…I need to put more time on it.
This picture is my second attempt on Photoshop. I still use the word “distortion” but this time, I change the background colour and playing around with transformation tool.
Finally, I recognise a thing that distortion is not easy. When you playing around with Photoshop without thinking, you will distort an image by chance; however, it is not simple to distort a thing follow what you are thinking by Photoshop. That is the reason why I call distortion is an art. Sometimes, you spend hours to change an image in Photoshop but you may need about 10 minutes to get thing done by chance.