Monday, October 29, 2007

Simple is the best...

Delicious is the only word can describe this website. It is strange because it is not food. In this case, we eat by our eyes. This website tries to advertise about its product, the Japanese food.
One thing I really like about this website is that it is very simple but high effectiveness. The website uses white color for background and gray for letters. It makes the website more elegant and lighter instead of heavy and colorful in usual food website.
Another good thing about this website is the image. The picture with maximum width is put in the middle of height of the website that uses to capture our attention. It is a right exposure, angle and focus point image. The chopsticks which hold a flat of fresh meat makes I think that I am going to enjoy that meat by that chopsticks.
Anyway… although you like it or not, that website still makes you feel curious about it and you will stay a while to take a look at it.
In summary, I learn how a simple website can affect readers because it shows the readers directly what it is. I need to practice to keep everything in simple and clear to readers. Another point is the important of image. It can be worth as much as a thousands words. If I use it cleverly, I can say a lot.


Phuong Ong said...

I've seen this webiste and I have the same feeling with you. This is really a "delicious" website. It very attractive and catch the notice of viewers at the first sight.

Charly said...

This is particularly a good example of how to use photoshop!
Check out at how the fish is shiny, colors are bright and chopsticks seems brand new.
It is a difficult exercise to enhance food images:
It have to be appetizing but without being transformed into fake pieces of plastic.