Monday, December 31, 2007


This poster is made for Spring festival, which I designed the ticket for before. The request for this poster is nearly the same with the ticket, blue background and includes images of singers. Besides, they told me that I must use the same pattern and colors, which I did in the ticket.

First time, I thought that it's ok, I can do it easily. I only do the same thing but actually, making an A3-poster is more difficult than a small-size ticket. T.T

I must look for the big-size images of singers and find out the way how to fill many white-space
in the poster. It's really make me feel crazy :(( .

Finally, I finished this poster in 23:41 pm 31th December 2007. I know maybe it's not beautiful or good enough but I've tried my best and I satisfy with it :">.

And this is the ticket, which I posted on this blog before (new version because they've invited one more singer, so I must change a little bit form the first version) :

It's nearly 12:00 pm - New year Eve now.

Happy new year everybody! Have a great holiday !