Sunday, December 30, 2007

[20th] -:- Flash tutorial: Editting image -:-

I made this tutorial by using flash as a practice before I work on my final project. The content of this flash is not new for you, designers *blush*, but I just hope it's helpful in some cases and for some people *lol*.

----- [Hope you enjoy it] -----

P/s: I beg you Mr. Se7ven and other Mr, plz don't spam this blog anymore... I think it's chaos enough with a lot of shit and stupid sound mixed together. THAT'S TIME TO STOP. I know the time for Journal is nearly over, and you are TRYING to throw anything you have into this blog... but do you think that you will be able get nothing [from OP.T] from those stuff? Therefore, stop this useless work and find out another way to PASS DIM2 such as focusing on your final project [it's worth 40% *wink*] or begging Maddy for mark *lol*. Thank you so so much XD !!!